What Are The Prices At Fay Da Bakery

Fay Da Bakery
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Menu Prices 2022



Assortment of Breads Baked Fresh Daily
培根番茄生菜三明治 BLT Sandwich$3.75 
辣色拉雞排三明治 Spicy Slaw Chicken Sandwich$3.75 
健康雜糧包 Multigrain Flax Bun$1.70 
奶油包 Cream and Coconut Bun$2.10 
肉鬆包 Dried Pork Bun$2.10 
玉米包 Corn and Ham Bun$2.00 
檸檬酥包 Lemon Bun$2.75 
咸餐包 Plain Bun$1.80 
乳酪葡萄包 Raisin Cheese Bun$2.75 
千層鮪魚 Tuna Bun$2.75 
雞尾包 Milk Cream Bun$2.00 
火腿蛋包 Ham and Egg Bun$2.00 
生菜火腿芝士包 Lettuce Ham and Cheese$2.75 
鱈魚三明治 Fish Sandwich$3.75 
杏仁酥 Almond Danish$2.00 
牛角酥 Croissant$2.75 
朱古力酥 Chocolate Croissant$3.25 
火腿芝士酥 Ham Cheese Croissant$3.25 
叉燒酥 Roast Pork Puff$3.00 
咖哩角 Curry Beef Puff$3.00 
雞卷 Chicken Puff$3.00 


Assortment of Loaves Baked Fresh Daily
大雜量飽 Multigrain Flax Loaf$3.30 
方包 Pullman Bread Loaf$4.00 
麥包 Whole Wheat Bread Loaf$4.00 


Assortment of Cookies Baked Fresh Daily
杏仁餅 Big Almond Cookie$1.80 
牛油曲奇 Butter Cookies$6.75 
桃酥曲奇 Oriental Sugar Cookies$6.75 
芝麻曲奇 Sesame Cookies$6.75 
蝴蝶酥 Palmiers Cookies$6.75 
法式杏仁曲奇 Almond Sable$6.75 
杏子醬曲奇 Apricot Jam Cookies$6.75 

Steamed Buns

Assortment of Steamed Buns (COLD) – Reheat in Microwave, covered with a damp towel to desired temperature
蒸饅頭 Steamed Plain Bun$1.70 
蒸紅豆包 Steamed Red Bean Bun (1)$1.80 
蒸紅豆包 Steamed Red Bean Bun (15)$23.50 
蒸奶皇包 Steamed Custard Bun (1)$1.80 
蒸奶皇包 Steamed Custard Bun (15)$23.50 
蒸糯米卷 Steamed Rice Roll (1)$1.95 
蒸糯米卷 Steamed Rice Roll (12)$21.75 
蒸臘腸包 Steamed Sausage (1)$1.95 
蒸臘腸包 Steamed Sausage (20)$36.15 
蒸叉燒包 Steamed Roast Pork (1)$1.80 
蒸叉燒包 Steamed Roast Pork (20)$31.25 
蒸香菇雞包 Steamed Chicken Bun (1)$1.80 
蒸香菇雞包 Steamed Chicken Bun (20)$31.25 
蒸菜肉包 Steamed Pork Veg Bun (1)$1.80 
蒸菜肉包 Steamed Pork Veg Bun (15)$23.50 
蒸素菜包 Steamed Vegetarian (1)$1.80 
蒸素菜包 Steamed Vegetarian (15)$23.50 
珍珠雞 Lotus Leaf Wrap$4.00 


蓮蓉酥 Lotus Seed Pancake$2.00 
老婆餅 Wife’s Melon Cake$2.00 
沙琪瑪 Sachima$2.00 


芝士仔 Baby Cheesecake$2.75 
忌廉蛋糕 Buttercream Cake$2.25 
長朱古力 Chocolate Cake$2.10 
朱古力慕斯 Chocolate Mousse$4.95 
長咖啡 Coffee Cake$2.10 
大咖啡卷 Large Coffee Roll$13.20 
意大利泡芙 Éclair$2.75 
檸檬杏桃 Apricot$2.10 
紅維爾維特 Red Velvet$2.75 
切片朱古力卷 Sliced Chocolate Roll$2.10 
切片咖啡卷 Sliced Coffee Roll$2.10 
切片奶油卷 Sliced Vanilla Roll$2.10 
大奶油卷 Large Vanilla Roll$13.20 


Hours (Opening And Closing)

DaysOpening TimesClosing Times
Friday-Saturday10:30 a.m.12:00 p.m.
Sunday-Thursday11:00 a.m.11:00 p.m.

Near Me


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.